Everything Will Be OK

How do we define whether things are OK or not? Whether they will be OK or not? 

We cannot really know what will happen. Ever. We can have belief though. Believe that things will be OK, because we will not accept anything less than that.


This is not a post about manifestation. But it’s not very far from it either. 

Sometimes life is easy. Things work out. We are content, even appreciative and grateful for what is going on in our lives, our relationships, our careers.

Sometimes however, we go through rough patches, times where we do not really know where to go next, what to decide, and how to proceed. 

Some of us – including me – get anxious or upset during such times because we cannot stop asking ourselves if the issue at hand will ever be resolved, if it will ever “be OK”. We get stuck in asking ourselves whether “we will figure it out”, “we will make the right decisions”, and “we will be happy with our choices”. 

The truth is though, that there are no right and wrong thoughts, right and wrong decisions, right and wrong directions, and choices. It is all just part of our path. Our whole life is one long path of discovery, and growth. 

As long as we believe that things will be OK, as long as we believe that every challenge we face is a bump on the road, as opposed to a inevitable and ultimate trap, there is nothing that can hold us back from working towards our dream lives. To change what can be changed. To accept what cannot be changed and find our ways around it. 

John Lennon once said: “Everything will be OK. If it’s not OK, it’s not the end.” 

I could not agree more with these words. 

We get to decide that if we are unhappy with something in our lives, we will not just accept it. That it is not the end. Because at the end it will be OK. And if not, we will keep working on creating the best outcomes in our lives, to change what we are unhappy with, as well as manage our minds around the unchangeable. We will do so until everything will be OK. 

We have all the power in the world once we learn how to manage our minds. With each situation we face in life, we get to choose how we want to think and feel about it. 

We get to analyze whether we have the power to change the situation at hand, and if not, we get to choose what we want to think and feel. 

If we deliberately choose to think that everything will be OK, and we remind ourselves of that until we truly believe it, we will start showing up in a different way. We start proactively working towards maximizing our potential in this world, and start creating the outcomes we wish for. 

So – if there is an aspect in your life that you are unhappy with, that you fear will never be OK, start telling yourself that it will. Start asking yourself what you could do differently, how you could THINK differently to bring you closer to it being OK. You do not have to believe it yet, but start practicing to think it.

I promise: The more you think it, the more you will start believing it. The more you believe it, the more proactive steps you will take. And before you know it, things will be OK. 

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Hi, I am Taly

I am a certified mindset coach,  a habit whiz and a health and well-being junky. I love having well accomplished days without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

I have not always had this skill – I used to get over worked, not set boundaries, and not taking sufficient care of myself. Only after moving countries multiple times, a first and second degree, various positions in the corporate world (including Marketing, and Business Development), continuous learning, self growth, and the exposure to multiple industries, I, completely unexpectedly, found my personal balance with coaching.

I learned and started applying regular practices and mental tools that allow me to combine a busy life style with a grounded and balanced spirit.  

How do I do this? By managing my mind and building one habit at a time! 

After observing the difficulty people have to consistently keep up healthy habits, and lack of self belief many people have, I decided to expand my passion and offer my learnings as a service to my fellow humans.  

Today I have the pleasure and honor of helping women around the world find purpose, becoming holistically healthier and creating the lives they have always wanted. 

I can do it.

My clients can do it.

YOU can do it!

Nibbles of Wisdom

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