Habits Are The Secret to a Good Life

What does it mean to have a good life? How can we make sure that the life we live is the best life we can live?

Some people will say that a good life is a happy life. But being happy all the time is – in its essence – impossible. So what is a good life? Is a good life the pursuit of something that is completely impossible to achieve?


The true secret to a good life is to show up as the best and most authentic version of ourselves. 

The simplest, most straightforward and sustainable way of doing so is by creating desired habits. 

A habit is an action or a thought that is generated automatically or almost automatically  by our brain. The more we deliberately choose to take a certain action or think a given thought, the more natural and automatic it will become.

While our brain has incredible capabilities, it does have limited ‘brain juice’. Every time we actively think about something, make decisions or use willpower – we use up part of that ‘brain juice’. Habits on the other hand take up little to no brain juice – the decisions and thoughts become so natural and automatic that little to no active work of the brain is required. 

This understanding is crucial to create a good life, a life in which we show up as the best version of ourselves. 

We all have aspirations and this fantasy perception of how we would like to live our life. For many of us this includes a healthy diet, a consistent workout routine, sufficient time for self-care, a flourishing career, an outgoing nature, and so much more. 

But then comes the ‘reality check’, all the thoughts that stop us from creating that life we fantasize about. 

“I don’t have enough time”, “I just love junk food”, “I am not fit, I never have been and probably never will be”, “it is impossible to pursue my career and be a present mother and wife”, and the list goes on. 

We get so overwhelmed by all the changes ‘we should do’ that we end up doing nothing. Our brain knows that it does not have enough ‘brain juice’ to actively make so many decisions and changes, so it ends up saving all ‘ brain juice’ and does nothing. 

This is where habits come in. With habits we can step by step create the life we want to live. The only two conditions are commitment and patience

You decide where to start. There is no right and wrong. You focus on this change only, you channel all your ‘brain juice’ on one thing. No matter how hard it gets you commit to following through and repeat the desired behavior until it becomes natural and almost automatic. Until you barely use any ‘brain juice’ to perform and follow through with the task. 

This takes time. It can take weeks, or months. Even a year at times. Do not pick up the next pattern too early. Be patient. Allow time to be your ally. Once you win the first endeavor, and only then, move on to the next. 

With these simple steps, with solely commitment and patience, you will be able to create any life you desire. 

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Hi, I am Taly

I am a certified mindset coach,  a habit whiz and a health and well-being junky. I love having well accomplished days without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

I have not always had this skill – I used to get over worked, not set boundaries, and not taking sufficient care of myself. Only after moving countries multiple times, a first and second degree, various positions in the corporate world (including Marketing, and Business Development), continuous learning, self growth, and the exposure to multiple industries, I, completely unexpectedly, found my personal balance with coaching.

I learned and started applying regular practices and mental tools that allow me to combine a busy life style with a grounded and balanced spirit.  

How do I do this? By managing my mind and building one habit at a time! 

After observing the difficulty people have to consistently keep up healthy habits, and lack of self belief many people have, I decided to expand my passion and offer my learnings as a service to my fellow humans.  

Today I have the pleasure and honor of helping women around the world find purpose, becoming holistically healthier and creating the lives they have always wanted. 

I can do it.

My clients can do it.

YOU can do it!

Nibbles of Wisdom

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