How To Become Your Future Self

We cannot become our future selves without starting to be our future selves. We will be no different once we succeed in a given task, a few years pass, or any other future event we think will turn us in to the future self we want to be. The only way to become our future selves, is to start being, thinking and acting like our future selves. 

How often do we say that we will do something in the future? Achieve something in the future? Take care of things in the future? But what are some of the one most substantial things that are holding us back from moving from our current selves to our desired selves in the future? 

Self doubt. Self judgement. Self loathing.

We tell ourselves that change is too hard, that the needed steps to get to our future selves are impossible for us to accomplish, that we are not good enough, not strong enough, we have failed at it in the past, others will judge us, we will judge ourselves. And the list goes on. 

The truth is that we WILL fail along the way. We WILL have set backs. We WILL sometimes hit a challenge or obstacle and we will want to quit. 

The truth is too though that in 2, 5, 10 years from now, after we have achieved our goal, we will look back and smile at these setbacks. We will know that these obstacles were just a step on the way. That the challenges just taught us to be more resilient or have brought about another important lesson we needed to learn. 

The truth is that all the “little” things we create so much drama about, all the small “failure”, “setback”, or however you would like to call them, are an easy way out for our brain to “save” us from the hassle of getting out of our comfort zone and grow. 

In order to truly succeed we need to be able to put ourselves into our future selves shoes. How would my desired future self show up? What would she/he tell me about my current obstacle? What advice would my future self, that has already achieved the desired goal, give me?

Start showing up as that person. Start being this person today. The only way to become your future self is to be your future self.

No matter the self doubt. No matter the self judgement. No matter the self loathing. 

Your future self is probably proud, and confident. Believes in her/himself. Does not judge her/himself for the challenges on the way. 

Start being the future you, to become the future you. 

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Hi, I am Taly

I am a certified mindset coach,  a habit whiz and a health and well-being junky. I love having well accomplished days without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

I have not always had this skill – I used to get over worked, not set boundaries, and not taking sufficient care of myself. Only after moving countries multiple times, a first and second degree, various positions in the corporate world (including Marketing, and Business Development), continuous learning, self growth, and the exposure to multiple industries, I, completely unexpectedly, found my personal balance with coaching.

I learned and started applying regular practices and mental tools that allow me to combine a busy life style with a grounded and balanced spirit.  

How do I do this? By managing my mind and building one habit at a time! 

After observing the difficulty people have to consistently keep up healthy habits, and lack of self belief many people have, I decided to expand my passion and offer my learnings as a service to my fellow humans.  

Today I have the pleasure and honor of helping women around the world find purpose, becoming holistically healthier and creating the lives they have always wanted. 

I can do it.

My clients can do it.

YOU can do it!

Nibbles of Wisdom

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